Paramount Comedy Funniest Student 2008

Ric Wharton has won the Paramount Comedy Funniest Student 2008. The final took place at London's Comedy Store on 10 March and you can see a clip of his winning performance on this blog.

Friday 28 December 2007

New Year's Resolutions - #1

New Year Resolutions for Pets

15. I will not eat other animals' poop.

14. I will not lick my human's face after eating animal poop.

13. I do not need to suddenly stand straight up when I'm lying under the coffee table.

12. My head does not belong in the refrigerator.

11. I will no longer be beholden to the sound of the can opener.

10. Cats: Circulate a petition that sleeping become a juried competition in major animal shows.

9. Come to understand that cats are from Venus; dogs are from Mars.

8. Take time from busy schedule to stop and smell the behinds.

7. Hamster: Don't let them figure out I'm just a rat on steroids, or they'll flush me!

6. Get a bite in on that freak who gives me that shot every year.

5. Grow opposable thumb; break into pantry; decide for MYSELF how much food is *too* much.

4. Cats: Use new living room sofa as scratching post.

3. January 1st: Kill the sock! Must kill the sock!
January 2nd - December 31: Re-live victory over the sock.

2. The garbage collector is NOT stealing our stuff.

AND the Number 1 New Year's Resolutions Made by Pets...

1. I will NOT chase the stick until I see it LEAVE THE IDIOT'S HAND


Tuesday 18 December 2007

Running Joke

Got a funny third line to add to this? Let us know!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

Where is Jesus?

The highest ranking site on Google for 'Christmas Comedy' is this.

Judging by the quality of the jokes (see example below) it seems like the festive season doesn't generate much humour.

Where Is Jesus?

It occurred to the Sunday School teacher, that with all the emphasis on the Nativity over Christmas that some children may get the impression that the birth of Jesus Christ was a recent event. He wanted to be sure they understood that he grew up and did many things. So he decided that the topic of the lesson would be Where Is Jesus Now?

He put this question to the class and immediately many hands shot into the air as many of the children were keen to state their opinion.

"What do you think Johnny?"

"He's in the church, sir." Johnny replied.

"Okay. What about you Rosie?"

"I believe he's in Heaven, sir"

"That's good. What about you Billy?"

Billy was a little hesitant, then blurted out "I think he's in our bathroom sir."

The classroom erupted with uproarious laughter; but eventually the teacher managed to quell the noise.

"Oh really." said the teacher. "What makes you think that Billy?"

"Well sir, some mornings my dad knocks on the bathroom door and says 'Jesus Christ, are you still in there?'

Monday 17 December 2007

The Monday Interview

This week we're talking to Dave Upcraft from Chichester University.

What's your best joke?

Well, it’s sort of the old tired cliche in that I see my self as more of an observationalist comedian. I try and make my comedy out of what’s going on around me. I use the audience and things that happen to me on a daily basis. Still, I have the odd joke in my arsenal. My favourite has to be this...

Bob was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was really pissed.

She told him "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in 6 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE !!"

The next morning he got up early and left for work. When his wife woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.

Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house.

She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.

Bob has been missing since Friday.

What made you choose performing arts at Chichester?

I chose Chichester because it's a really open course. We go across all aspects of the board, performing, creating, directing, producing etc. Plus, the big winner for me is that I don’t have any written exam! Just performances and coursework. What else could you ask for!?!

How's the course going?

So far, pretty well! I’m only in my first year and just 4 months in. Had a few performances and so on and have essays to write. Still, as all students are aware, Christmas is here and I am living off bread and Iceland frozen foods! Still, 2 weeks of food for £25, that’s why STUDENTS go to Iceland!

How's your comedy performing?

At the moment, I’m looking for the opportunities to perform at uni. Paramount come down once or twice a month and put on a bit of a show with some of the already signed comedy acts. Usually really good but just waiting for the open mic nights and chances to arise after chatting with the SU presidents. Also, starting in January on Friday nights, at Bognor Regis campus of the uni, I’ll be taking part in our very own version of Whose Line Is It Anyway.

Favourite comic performers and why?

I grew up watching Lee Evans and therefore he’s had a huge impact on the way that I perform and my comic background. He’s
just a fantastic physical performer and his imagination is sometimes outstanding. Seeing him next year on his Big UK tour as well!

Also love comics like Bill Bailey, Jimmy Carr, Russell Howard,
Ed Byrne and Omid Djalili because they are all ingenious performers!

Do you see any future comedy stars among your fellow students?

I think that among those who I’m working alongside, there are quite a few people that have a huge potential! There are some people that always have me in stitches and will relish a chance as much as me!!

Thursday 13 December 2007

Google Group

We've also got a new Google Group up and running.

Wednesday 12 December 2007

Facebook Group

Our little Facebook group 'Student Comedians' has gathered a grand total of 18 members since its launch two and a half days ago. One of the comedians we're featuring there is Nathan Caton. I'll be adding some clips to this site in a minute ... but I've also found an interview with him on the Paramount Comedy website.

Running Joke

Got a funny third line to add to this? Let us know!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

Tuesday 11 December 2007

Link Building

Just entered Student Comedian on BritBlog. They asked for a link back so here it is ... British Blog Directory

So Funny!

The Sun's best joke of the week is .........

"Apple Computer announced today that it has developed a computer chip that can store and play music in women's breast implants.

The iBreast will cost £499 to £599.

This is considered to be a major breakthrough because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them."

You can find more Sun hilarity here.

If you can do better, let us know.

Monday 10 December 2007

The Monday Interview

Today we speak to Roddy McInnes from Edinburgh’s Comedy & That.

1) Give me a little background about you

I'm 20, from the West End of Glasgow. I'm the son of two artists and I subsequently decided to fuck their hopes of producing the next Picasso by studying Neuroscience at Edinburgh. I'm 5ft10, 13 stone and to my great shame I have grade 8 in flute. I'm also in charge of the Edinburgh student group Comedy & That.

2) How are things going at Comedy & That this year? New students that have impressed at your shows and why? Plans for 2008?

Comedy & That has been going really well this year. We've been doing our show every three weeks in our regular place, The Canons Gait, on the royal mile to a large regular following. We had a really good fringe run there with our show 'Headlights' at Peter Buckley Hill's Free Fringe and we've just come back from University College Cork's comedy festival where we robbed them of their silverware.

We're a strange group of folk in terms of comedy in that if something is to be performed at a show, either a sketch or a 7-minute stand up act, it has to be completely new to the show and we hardly ever repeat things outside of the Fringe and competitions. This is always the thing that catches out prospective stand ups but there have been quite a few new students that have impressed us all this year. At the start we had an influx of folk wanting to do stand up, quite a few of which dropped off as time continued but those who managed to hang on, like Jon Scarth and Calumn Hamilton, have been coming on leaps and bounds. Our most impressive new stand up would have to be Mike Walsh. He's only done about 10 gigs but the quantity and quality of the material he produces as well as his natural ability to use his God given Irish craic makes me think him to be the bastard son of Ed Byrne.

The majority of what we do is sketch comedy and we've picked up some talented new folk in that respect as well. We acquired Mickey Anderson at the start of the year from Southampton (he's already listed on your website) who has been writing a lot of new funny stuff on his own and in conjunction with our head writer Ben Verth. Mickey has also been doing stand up about as long as I have and is a great addition in that respect as well. Charlie Byles has also impressed us all as a new actor in the group.

Our plans for 2008 include a trip to the Cat's Laugh Festival in Kilkenny, another Fringe show with PBH in August and hosting the second leg of the recent UCC festival sometime next September or October.

3) Tell us your best joke?

I'm one of these arsehole comedians that doesn't actually tell jokes and tends to defensively say "I'm more observational sort of stuff" but my favourite joke of all time is one that my girlfriend's four year old sister always tells me whenever I see her;

Eilidh: What's green and invisible?

Me: What?

Eilidh: (holds up an empty hand) THIS CABBAGE!

At which point she haemorrages laughing.

4) What made you pluck up the courage to expose the public to your jokes?


I saw someone die on their arse at the Stand in Glasgow and thought that it couldn't be THAT hard. I've had some (thankfully rare) horrific moments doing stand up and being involved in comedy and some hugely rewarding buzzes from when it all goes to plan. I didn't know what I was letting myself in for right at the start but now that I've got a fair grasp of it I understand that it's a bipolar abusive lover that you can't give up.

5) Who are your comic heroes and why?

Peter Cook, Spike Milligan, the Pythons, Chris Morris. A Scottish comic called Joe Heenan because he's the first headliner I ever saw and has always remained my favourite working comic. He's just a fiery ball of comedy energy and a really nice guy!

I'd also class Jim Hobbit as one of my comedy anti-heroes because he reminds me that you are never too old or too mentally ill to do stand up.

6) Are you looking forward to spending the best years of your life playing dodgy pubs, striving for the big break, or do you have a plan B?

If was given an absolute certainty of being able to feed myself by being involved in comedy and doing stand up I'd happily work 365 days a year at it. Alternatively I'll stay at uni for another 6 years, become a brain surgeon and buy my own comedy club.

Friday 7 December 2007

Funny Student Radio

Listen to the winner of our first poll Adam Mottershead on his Warwick Uni radio show. It's possibly the best student radio you've ever heard (now is that a backhanded complement?)

Thursday 6 December 2007

Even Off air TV causes uproar

While on the subject of the Comedy Awards it seems the attempt Jonathan Ross to be funny while hosting have met with a mixed response. Even though it wasn't broadcast this year, controversy has still dogged the show.

I'm sure ITV bosses were really happy with his routine as no doubt were the McCann and Gibbons families. Read all about it.

I thought The Comedy Awards were last night

They must have had fun at the British Comedy Awards last night because no one has updated their website.

The Times and every other media outlet for that matter had clear enough heads to actually tell us who won this morning.

In recognition I've added a video of Liz Smith starring as Nan in the Royle Family. She's the best comedy actress we've got

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Running Joke

Still only one comment in. Got a funny third line to add to this? Let us know!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

Also scroll down the page to check out our Monday interview - this week with Hannah George.

As it's nearly Christmas ...

taken from

What do you call a man who claps his hands at Christmas time?

Where do snowmen dance?
At a snowball.

If you have a fear of Santa Claus coming down your chimney at Christmas, are you suffering from Santaclaustrophobia?

What do angry mice send at Christmas?
Cross mouse cards.

Every Christmas I get a horrendous pain that stays for a week. Then my mother-in-law goes back to her own house.

Father: Did you see Father Christmas this year, son?
Son: No it was too dark to see him, but I heard what he said when he stubbed his toes on the edge of my bed.

I don't care who you are, get those reindeer and that sleigh off my roof.

Fred: What kind of Christmas did you have?
Tom: Oh, the same as last year, thirty minutes eating turkey, mince pies and Christmas pudding, followed by three days in bed recovering.

Steve: What's your father getting for Christmas?
Dave: Bald and fat.

Who used to take presents to the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes?
Santa Clues.

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Running Joke

Still only one comment in. Got a funny third line to add to this? Let us know!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

First clips

Roddy MacInnes from Comedy and That in Edinburgh has sent me a couple of links to some clips. One features Kyle Matthews. the other himself. Nothing wrong with a bit of self promotion. All I can say is Hooray!! All you can do is take a look by checking out the links.

The Heat is On

I suppose the editor of Heat was expecting this after the Harvey sticker incident.

Monday 3 December 2007

Hannah George Interview

1)Why did you decide to take part in last year's student comedian competition?

Well, I’ve never won anything in my life. At school, sports day was just a ritual humiliation and the lottery has so far failed to provide those “big money balls” it always promises.

So I entered the competition, without giving it a second thought really, convinced I wouldn’t hear anything back. At the time I’d only done a handful of gigs. I sent a video of one of my gigs in to Paramount Comedy and someone down the line liked it!

2) Describe the final night?
The final night was awesome. The Comedy Store is such an amazing venue to be able to play, particularly as it was only my 13th gig. My gig the night before that was on a stage made out of a wood pallet in the roughest pub I’d ever been in. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could have ordered a pint of testosterone at the bar. Anyway, basically it was such a pleasure to do a gig at the Comedy Store. And then to go on to win was just fantastic. It was also great to get some feedback from the ‘Judging Panel’ of Paramount Comedy, Off the Kerb and comedian Robin Ince. So, after the gig I think I drank about 9 gin & tonics in a row, stumbled about and spoke nonsense to anyone who would listen. I felt like me Nan. It was a brilliant night.

3) Who is your favourite comedian and why?

That’s such a tough question as I adore so many comedians for so many different reasons. My all time favourite would probably be Woody Allen. Or Spike Milligan. In terms of female comedians I love Sarah Silverman at the moment. In terms of circuit comedians I saw some great shows in Edinburgh this year, Stephen K Amos, Pappys Fun Club and James Dowdeswell to name a few.

4) How has your stand up career been going since you won? Performed in any famous venues?
Winning the competition definitely gave me a boost! The competition really did wonders for my confidence; it was so nice to have someone other than my Mum tell me I might actually have some potential at something. I’ve been gigging regularly all across the country since winning the competition, having won the competition it seems to give promoters more confidence in booking me, which is handy. I feel I’ve come on in leaps and bounds since the competition and having the opportunity to play at the bigger venues has been really nice, like the Komedia and The Glee Club.

5) Any other student comedians you rate?
Definitely, there are so many fantastic student comedians out there. I really rate Richard Bond, who was another finalist at the competition. He’s a very funny creature. It’s kind of difficult to say which “student” comedians I rate as I’m not sure who on the circuit is a student and who isn’t….

6) What would you say to any student who may be thinking about taking part this year?
Do it. Winning the competition has made such a difference to me this year. The final was SO much fun. (Yes, so fun that it constitutes capital letters), it’s a great opportunity to be seen by Paramount Comedy and Off the Kerb and definitely helps to set you on your way on the comedy circuit. Do it, do it, do it.

Friday 30 November 2007

Other Funny stuff

I'd also like to hear about other funny stuff out there so we can build up a few links. Cheers!

Running Joke

Still only one comment in. Got a funny third line to add to this? Let us know!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

Adam's Ahead

Day One of voting saw Adam Mottershead take a clear lead with 75 per cent. Check out the clips and see if you agree

Thursday 29 November 2007

Funny Student Interview

I've been in touch with Hannah George who won the Paramount Comedy On Tap Funniest Student 2007. She's agreed to share some tips so watch this space.

Running Joke

We've got our first line in. My sides aren't splitting yet though!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

Wednesday 28 November 2007

Running Joke

I'm going to kick off a comedy script. Come up with the next line .... "A dog barked.

Tuesday 27 November 2007

Is this funny?

Right, here we go. I'm on a quest to find some funny students.

It seems to me we need to find a new star of stand up comedy so where better to start than in our colleges and universities.

I've tracked down a few videos on You Tube to get us going. Vote for your favourite one and we'll get the winner to do a few more jokes just for us.