Paramount Comedy Funniest Student 2008

Ric Wharton has won the Paramount Comedy Funniest Student 2008. The final took place at London's Comedy Store on 10 March and you can see a clip of his winning performance on this blog.

Friday 7 December 2007

Funny Student Radio

Listen to the winner of our first poll Adam Mottershead on his Warwick Uni radio show. It's possibly the best student radio you've ever heard (now is that a backhanded complement?)

Thursday 6 December 2007

Even Off air TV causes uproar

While on the subject of the Comedy Awards it seems the attempt Jonathan Ross to be funny while hosting have met with a mixed response. Even though it wasn't broadcast this year, controversy has still dogged the show.

I'm sure ITV bosses were really happy with his routine as no doubt were the McCann and Gibbons families. Read all about it.

I thought The Comedy Awards were last night

They must have had fun at the British Comedy Awards last night because no one has updated their website.

The Times and every other media outlet for that matter had clear enough heads to actually tell us who won this morning.

In recognition I've added a video of Liz Smith starring as Nan in the Royle Family. She's the best comedy actress we've got

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Running Joke

Still only one comment in. Got a funny third line to add to this? Let us know!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

Also scroll down the page to check out our Monday interview - this week with Hannah George.

As it's nearly Christmas ...

taken from

What do you call a man who claps his hands at Christmas time?

Where do snowmen dance?
At a snowball.

If you have a fear of Santa Claus coming down your chimney at Christmas, are you suffering from Santaclaustrophobia?

What do angry mice send at Christmas?
Cross mouse cards.

Every Christmas I get a horrendous pain that stays for a week. Then my mother-in-law goes back to her own house.

Father: Did you see Father Christmas this year, son?
Son: No it was too dark to see him, but I heard what he said when he stubbed his toes on the edge of my bed.

I don't care who you are, get those reindeer and that sleigh off my roof.

Fred: What kind of Christmas did you have?
Tom: Oh, the same as last year, thirty minutes eating turkey, mince pies and Christmas pudding, followed by three days in bed recovering.

Steve: What's your father getting for Christmas?
Dave: Bald and fat.

Who used to take presents to the famous detective, Sherlock Holmes?
Santa Clues.

Tuesday 4 December 2007

Running Joke

Still only one comment in. Got a funny third line to add to this? Let us know!

A dog barked (Conway Wigg) ... so loud that his tail turned blue (anonymous) ...

First clips

Roddy MacInnes from Comedy and That in Edinburgh has sent me a couple of links to some clips. One features Kyle Matthews. the other himself. Nothing wrong with a bit of self promotion. All I can say is Hooray!! All you can do is take a look by checking out the links.

The Heat is On

I suppose the editor of Heat was expecting this after the Harvey sticker incident.

Monday 3 December 2007

Hannah George Interview

1)Why did you decide to take part in last year's student comedian competition?

Well, I’ve never won anything in my life. At school, sports day was just a ritual humiliation and the lottery has so far failed to provide those “big money balls” it always promises.

So I entered the competition, without giving it a second thought really, convinced I wouldn’t hear anything back. At the time I’d only done a handful of gigs. I sent a video of one of my gigs in to Paramount Comedy and someone down the line liked it!

2) Describe the final night?
The final night was awesome. The Comedy Store is such an amazing venue to be able to play, particularly as it was only my 13th gig. My gig the night before that was on a stage made out of a wood pallet in the roughest pub I’d ever been in. I wouldn’t be surprised if you could have ordered a pint of testosterone at the bar. Anyway, basically it was such a pleasure to do a gig at the Comedy Store. And then to go on to win was just fantastic. It was also great to get some feedback from the ‘Judging Panel’ of Paramount Comedy, Off the Kerb and comedian Robin Ince. So, after the gig I think I drank about 9 gin & tonics in a row, stumbled about and spoke nonsense to anyone who would listen. I felt like me Nan. It was a brilliant night.

3) Who is your favourite comedian and why?

That’s such a tough question as I adore so many comedians for so many different reasons. My all time favourite would probably be Woody Allen. Or Spike Milligan. In terms of female comedians I love Sarah Silverman at the moment. In terms of circuit comedians I saw some great shows in Edinburgh this year, Stephen K Amos, Pappys Fun Club and James Dowdeswell to name a few.

4) How has your stand up career been going since you won? Performed in any famous venues?
Winning the competition definitely gave me a boost! The competition really did wonders for my confidence; it was so nice to have someone other than my Mum tell me I might actually have some potential at something. I’ve been gigging regularly all across the country since winning the competition, having won the competition it seems to give promoters more confidence in booking me, which is handy. I feel I’ve come on in leaps and bounds since the competition and having the opportunity to play at the bigger venues has been really nice, like the Komedia and The Glee Club.

5) Any other student comedians you rate?
Definitely, there are so many fantastic student comedians out there. I really rate Richard Bond, who was another finalist at the competition. He’s a very funny creature. It’s kind of difficult to say which “student” comedians I rate as I’m not sure who on the circuit is a student and who isn’t….

6) What would you say to any student who may be thinking about taking part this year?
Do it. Winning the competition has made such a difference to me this year. The final was SO much fun. (Yes, so fun that it constitutes capital letters), it’s a great opportunity to be seen by Paramount Comedy and Off the Kerb and definitely helps to set you on your way on the comedy circuit. Do it, do it, do it.